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Pakefield Primary


Please visit our Pakefield Virtual Art Gallery


Art in the Early Years Foundation stage appears in the Expressive art and design. Children explore the arts through a variety of continuous indoor and outdoor provision areas that are enhanced to meet the needs of all the children. Our child led and enquiry based learning approach enables children to explore and use materials many different ways. Educators encourage children to take ownership of their learning and extend their ideas by providing carefully planned experiences. Children interact with materials in many different ways through a skills based approach. The free flow provision allows the children the opportunities to be independent and explore different materials representing their ideas and take risks in their learning. Children are encouraged to be reflective thinkers and talk about the process and skills used along with sharing their final creation.  


Curriculum Intent 

At Pakefield Primary School our art and design curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and promote learning through a creative, empowering curriculum.  It is our intent that children will explore art and design through a varied curriculum that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they are able to acquire the skills to become reflective and unique artists. 

At Pakefield Primary School children:  

  • Understand how Art has shaped our history and culture. 
  • Become familiar with great artists, craft makers and designers 
  • Use the local beach to represent their ideas 
  • Create their own unique artwork, exploring ideas and making links to their own experiences 
  • Become proficient and skilled in all areas of art, craft and design  
  • Discover and evaluate the work of artists  
  • Create art as a form of self-expression. 


Curriculum implementation 

Our staff address the National curriculum coverage through the use of the Suffolk Art Scheme to ensure a well-structured and progressive curriculum is implemented. The school art progression document ensures a progression of skills across the phases and children build upon their knowledge through a skills based approach to learning. Children participate in a range of creative lessons, explore different media and techniques and develop their skills within drawing, painting, printing, collage, sculpture and digital media.  

Teachers provide lessons that are sequential and meet the needs of every child. Children are given opportunities to reflect upon their learning, evaluate and make improvements to their own work.  

There are many other opportunities for children to participate in creative learning throughout the year including; participating in beach schools and using the beach to create natural art, working with local artists, using the local community to showcase the children’s artwork, creating art during educational visits and the whole school end of year art and design exhibition.  

Curriculum Impact 

Every child at Pakefield demonstrates that they are an artist. Children have access to a high quality and rich curriculum that promotes natural curiosity. The Suffolk Art Scheme and the structure of the art curriculum ensures that children develop their knowledge and understanding of the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from a range of times and cultures and apply this knowledge to their own work.  

From year 2, children use sketchbooks which allows them to review, modify and develop their ideas in order to achieve high quality outcomes through a skills based curriculum. Children learn to understand and apply the key principles of art: line, tone, texture, shape, form, space, pattern, colour, contrast, composition, proportion and perspective. Children are given the time they need to develop their techniques over time and the progression of skills document ensures there is a progression between year groups.  

The school environment is a fundamentally important part in celebrating children’s achievements. Classroom displays and the Pakefield art gallery reflect the learning taught and show a clear progression of skills. Pupil questionnaires and pupil interviews highlight children’s sense of pride in their artwork and this is also demonstrated by creative outcomes across the wider curriculum.  

Teachers monitor and evaluate children’s progress using the art assessment matrices based on the national curriculum and Suffolk Art Scheme to ensure children acquire the necessary skills in order to be successful artists. This enables staff to support, plan and promote further thinking and to ensure teachers challenge their pupils. Children evaluate their own work and are frequently asked to reflect upon their learning and achievements in order to make improvements and identify the next steps in their learning and identifying the skills they need to be successful artists. 





Please remember that we are a no nut school.