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Pakefield Primary

English at Pakefield

English sits at the heart of our curriculum and plays an important role in a child’s development.  We Inspire children to become independent learners, by developing their love of reading through a variety of texts and genres, which in turn, is easily applied within their writing and vocabulary choices. Our children are encouraged to become confident and articulate speakers and listeners, enabling them to Achieve their best, evoking Ambition and curiosity participating fully as a member of society. Collaboration with parents, carers and outside agencies enables us to work with both the local and wider Community, providing opportunities to develop the children culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually, ensuring every child is successful.

Across both writing and reading, we place a heavy emphasis on developing a child’s vocabulary. By the time children leave Pakefield Primary School in Year 6, they have  the language they need to understand sophisticated texts and express themselves in a wide range of contexts.

Our key actions for 2020-2023

  • To improve the attainment in writing for Pupil Premium children in KS1 and 2,
  • To identify and close gaps developed in learning since ‘lockdown’
  • To ensure full curriculum coverage is back in place for the summer term.
  • To continue to improve the outcomes for every child in phonics. 
  • To ensure an appropriate remote learning offer for English is put in place in the event of a tier 4 lockdown. 
  • To ensure high standards and consistency in handwriting and presentation. 

The English Curriculum at Pakefield is made up of 4 elements, Reading, Phonics, Oracy and Writing.  To find out more, please click on the following boxes. 


Reading Phonics
Oracy Writing




Please remember that we are a no nut school.