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Pakefield Primary

Equality Information and Objectives


At Pakefield Primary School, our equality and diversity objective for 2022/23 is:

  • To foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of belonging.  


Why we have chosen this objective:

  • To ensure that al children and staff are able to access the school community, education and learning as a result of the global pandemic. 
  • To continue to implement good equality practices.


To achieve this objective we plan to:

  • Further implement  Thrive across the school for children who need it.
  • Use the Catch Up funding to support mental health and well being. 
  • To implement the Health Mental Support Teams alongside Lowestoft Rising and the DFE.  
  • Provide a range of opportunities for children, parents and staff to reflect, evaluate and discuss the issues in depth.


Public Sector Reporting Duty


Pakefield Primary School and The Active Learning Trust are an equal opportunities employer. 



Please remember that we are a no nut school.