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Pakefield Primary

Physical Education



At Pakefield Primary School we believe that Physical Education (PE), experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is essential to ensure children attain their best physical and emotional development and good health. We intend to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills. We want to teach children skills to keep them safe such as being able to swim, living so close to the beach.  We also want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of a team, understanding fairness and sportsmanship to build a lifelong love of sport and exercise. We intend to deliver a strong extra-curricular program and opportunities for competitive sporting events through our local community partnership and within the Active Learning Trust.



  • Children at Pakefield Primary School receive at least two hours of PE a week. Covering two different areas of PE a term.
  • Teachers use the Val Sabin scheme of learning to inform and support their planning.
  • Year groups follow the curriculum long term plan to ensure coverage.
  • Children in all year groups take part in a wide variety of competitive tournaments and sports festivals both as part of our School Sports Partnership and through the Active Learning Trust. This includes Panathlon events for children with special and additional needs. 
  • Children attend swimming lessons in year 5 - (although this is under review whilst we are unable to access swimming due to Covid-19). 
  • We provide our children with opportunities to participate in extra curricular activities that are fully inclusive, enjoyable and increase physical activity. SEND sports clubs are offered to all year groups.
  • Annually, we have sports days for all year groups where parents celebrate the children's achievements.
  • We have close links with ONELIFE Suffolk, Premier Sports and Suffolk Community Coaching.  These support our delivery of key elements of our curriculum and help to inspire the children to try new sports and activities. 

Pakefield PE Road Map

Our Road Map helps parents understand the the PE journey that  children will take throughout of our school . 

Pakefield PE Road Map

How do we achieve our Road Map Goals?

Our Long Term planning ensures that  teachers plan a wide range of experiences and opportunities for your children. Click on the picture below to see what your child will be learning.    



We ensure our PE curriculum is progressive and gives our children the opportunity to develop fundamental movement skills and apply them to different sports and activities. Our pupils are physically active throughout the day and this has positive implications on learning. Children have a good understanding of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. Children take up our rich diet of clubs and sporting events, which provide them with exposure to new sports and opportunities. Children enjoy PE, exercise when they leave our school, and continue to enjoy it through to high school and beyond.


PE-Premium-Funding and Impact Report


Michael Fleckney is a Senior Leader and leads PE and Beach Schools throughout our School. If you have any questions about the current provision, curriculum or clubs, please book an appointment to speak with him. 





Please remember that we are a no nut school.