Admission Arrangements
As Pakefield Primary School is part of a Multi-Academy Trust, the Active Learning Trust is responsible for establishing the admission criteria and the oversubscription criteria for the school, in line with guidance from the Department of Education’s School Admissions Code. This process is supported by Suffolk County Council. A copy of the school Admission Arrangement document is given below and this includes details of the school Published Admission Number (PAN) and the school’s oversubscription criteria.
Our School Nursery has 26 morning places, which run from 8.40-11.40am.
Parents wishing to send their child to the Nursery will need to complete an application form or contact the school office to request a form. This form must be completed and submitted by 31st January prior to the September in which the child would start Nursery (that is the September after their third birthday).
If the Nursery class is not at full capacity in September, the School may consider offering a second intake in January for those children that are turning three in the previous term (i.e. 1st September to 31st December). These children could be offered a place to start in the January before the September in which they would be due to start. For this reason, parents may wish to submit an early application. If the school decide to offer a January intake, applications for eligible children (i.e. those turning three in the autumn term) will be ordered according to the oversubscription criteria in the Nursery Admission Arrangements.
Parents need to be aware that a place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the Reception year of the school. At the appropriate time parents will need to complete a Suffolk County Council application form and school places will be allocated according to the Local Authority’s published admission arrangements.
If you would like to come and visit our Nursery to see what we do please contact the school office to make an appointment.
Admission Arrangements
As our school is part of a Multi-Academy Trust, the Active Learning Trust is responsible for establishing the admission criteria and the oversubscription criteria, in line with guidance from the Department of Education’s School Admissions Code. This process is supported by Suffolk County Council. A copy of the school Admission Arrangement document is given below, and this includes details of the school Published Admission Number (PAN) and the school’s oversubscription criteria.
If your child is due to start school in Reception Year in September 2025
Pupil admissions for the Reception Year (traditionally called transition or cohort years) are administered annually by the Local Authority on behalf of the Trust. You should apply by completing an application form and returning it to Suffolk County Council. Forms are available by clicking here.
You will be informed of the outcome of your application by Suffolk County Council.
Admissions to other Year groups - Reception to Year 6
If you are looking for a new school place for your child that is outside of the normal admission cohorts listed above, you should apply directly to the Trust/school. This is called an In-Year Admission, and relates to Years 1-6. It also relates to Reception Year from the Spring term onwards. An application form can be downloaded here which should be returned to
You will be informed of the outcome of your application by the School or the Active Learning Trust.
Admission Appeals
If your application to either of the routes above is unsuccessful, you have the right appeal against the decision to refuse your child a school place. Admission appeals are the responsibility of the Active Learning Trust, and an application for appeal can be made by completing this form.
An appeal will give you the opportunity to outline your case for admitting your child to school.
You will be informed of the outcome of any appeal by the Active Learning Trust