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Pakefield Primary


Pakefield  Primary School is apart of the Active Learning Trust, .  The Active Learning Trust has legal responsibility for the school.  The Trust is governed by the Directors, who rely on advice and support from the Local Governing Board (LGB). The Directors are the charity trustees and responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Company in accordance with the provisions set out in the Articles of Association of the Company. Further information regarding this can be found on the ALT website

Trust governors are recommended by the school and appointed by the Chief Executive of the Active Learning Trust. The Local Governing Board meet six times each year; once per half term. Parent governors are elected by the parents of Pakefield. 


The Local Governing Board

 Membership of the Governing Board is as follows:

Name  Post Held  Governors Responsibilities 
Mrs Fosten Chair of  Governors Pupil Premium, Health and Safety and curriculum  
Mrs Adams Vice Chair of Governors Safeguarding and curriculum 
Mrs Powles Vice Chair of Governors Pupil Premium and subject leaders  
Mr Payne Headteacher
Mrs Rodwell Staff Representative
Mr Fleckney Staff Representative
Mrs Hirst Staff Representative  
Mrs Farrell Trust Governor  Mental Health, PSHE and RSE
Vacant post  Trust Governor  SEND, Children in Care, Inclusion 
Mr Goodfellow Parent Governor Curriculum 
Mrs Dawson Parent Governor
Clerk to the Governors



Trust Board
Pakefield Governor
Local Governing Body
GovernorAttendance Record of PecuniaryInterests
Scheme of Delegation

Governor Hub

Term of Office


lgb at pakefield.pdf





Please remember that we are a no nut school.