PE Premium Funding
At Pakefield Primary School, we receive £20,180 to enhance, enable and enrich the lives of our children by offering them something new, exciting and different in our provision for PE.
For further information about Physical Education at Pakefield, please see our dedicated PE page:
Physical Education at Pakefield
Successes at Pakefield:
- We have achieved the School Games Gold mark for three years running, and a virtual mark for last year during Covis-19 lockdown.
- Participation at tournaments has increased year on year from 2014, all children from year 1 represent the school at sporting tournaments.
- We use our own health and well-being strategy for our children and families to ensure children and adults lead a well balanced lifestyle.
- We deliver a wide range of sporting opportunities both through competitive tournaments and extracurricular clubs.
- Our well established links with ONE life Suffolk help to continue to raise awareness of health and well-being.
- Parent health and well-being clubs have been introduced to improve engagement.
Clubs that we offer:
Boxing, Netball, Tennis, Football, Boccia, Rugby, Running club, Skittleball, Matball, |
Handball, Dodgeball, Health and fitness club, Paralympics, Cricket, Yoga Hockey, Street dance One life Suffolk family club. |
PE Premium Impact and Spending Report: