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Words of the Week


Date English Word of the Week 

 Maths Word of the Week 

22nd May

Word of the week: Steep 

Definition: rising or falling sharply - almost perpendicular 

Etymology - from old English 'steap' meaning to extend to a great height 

In context - She struggled to push the bike up the steep hill. 

Synonyms - precipitous, sheer, perpendicular, vertical 


15th May

Word of the week: Reduction 

Definition: the action of making something smaller or less in size, degree or number. 

Etymology: Latin 'reducere' meaning to bring back or restore 

In context: Asda saw a large reduction in profit in 2023 compared to 2022. 

Synonyms: deplete, cutback 


8th May

Word of the week : Momentum 

Definition: the quantity of motion of a moving body

Etymology: from Latin 'movere' meaning to move 

In context: Lewis Hamilton began to gain momentum as he approached the final straight. 

Synonyms: impetus, energy, force


1st May

Word of the week: Tactic 

Definition - an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific goal. 

Etymology- from Greek 'tactos' meaning ordered or arranged 

In context - The footballer used a clever tactic to score a goal. 

Synonyms - strategy, scheme, plan 


24th April

Word of the week - Muggy 

Definition - unpleasantly warm and humid 

Etymology: from Norse 'Mugen' meaning drizzle or mist 

In context: He opened the window but it felt muggy outside. 

Synonyms: humid, close, sticky 


17th April

Word of the week - Assertive 

Definition: having and/or showing a confident and forceful personality. 

Etymology: from Latin 'assertus' meaning defended or claimed. 

In context: She addressed the class in an assertive manner. 

Synonyms: confident, forceful, bold, assured 


27th March

Word of the week: AQUATIC

Definition: taking place in, living in or growing on the water 

Context: seaweed is an aquatic plant 

Synonyms: marine, maritime 

Etymology: from Latin 'aquaticus' meaning growing in water or bringing rain. 


20th March

Word of the week: OBSOLETE

Definition: no longer in use 

Synonyms: archaic redundant 

Context: CDs are becoming obsolete 

Etymology: from Latin 'obsoletus' meaning grown old or worn out 

Word of the week:

Meaning: A
 number that shows place or position.


13th March

Word of the week: EVASIVE 

Definition: acting in a way that avoids giving a true and complete response 

Synonyms: insincere, tricky 

Context: when they asked where the money came from he was evasive. 

Etymology: from French 'evasif' meaning to escape or get away 

Word of the week:

the bottom number in a fraction showing the number of parts the whole is divided into.

6th March

Word of the week: BRAWNY

Definition: having large strong muscles 

Synonyms: burly husky muscular 

Context: the man at the gym was very brawny in stature 

Etymology: from old French 'braon' meaning fleshy or muscular part of the body

Word of the week:

Meaning: number above the line of a fraction, showing the 
number of parts of the whole.

27th February

Word of the week: WRETCHED

Definition: unhappy or miserable 

Synonyms: unhappy, miserable, unfortunate 

Context: I feel wretched and am full of cold. 

Etymology: from old English 'wrecca' meaning to exile or outcast 

Word of the week:

The distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something.

20th February

Word of the week: MATERIALISTIC

Definition: overly concerned with material possessions 

Context: The lady was very materialistic and owned 100 watches. 

Etymology: from French 'materialisme' meaning nothing exists except matter 

Word of the week:

Meaning: T
he whole amount. The result of adding two or more numbers together.

It is the total of the numbers added together.

example, the sum of 3 and 7 is 10.

6th February

Word of the week: MEAGRE


Definition: very small and not enough, lacking in quantity and quality. 

Context: The boy was really hungry after only being given a meagre amount of food.

Synonyms: paltry, insufficient, scanty 

Etymology: from old French 'maigre' meaning lean 

Word of the week:


Meaning: to estimate a number, amount or total, often rounding it off to the nearest 1, 10 or 100.



- the cord measures 2.91, and you round it to "3", as that is good enough.


- the bus ride takes 57 minutes, and you say it is "a one hour bus ride".


- 3.14 is an appropriate of Pi ( which is actually 3.14159265.... etc)


30th January

Word of the week: SCOUR 

Definition: to search a place or things carefully and thoroughtly. 

Context: The police began to scour the area looking for the missing boy. 

Etymology: from late middle English "scour" meaning to move hastily. 

Synonyms: search, comb, look 


Word of the week:


Meaning: any number less than zero.  It is written with a minus sign in front.





23rd January

Word of the week: INNOVATIVE

Definition: using new methods or ideas. 

Context: The teacher found an innovative new way to teach the children Maths. 

Etymology: from Latin "innovatus" meaning to introduce as new. 

Synonyms: new, original, inventive, ground breaking 

Word of the week:


Meaning: a small number, opposite to many.





16th January

Word of the week: PERILOUS

Definition: full of danger or risk 

Context: Driving today was perilous as the roads were covered in ice. 

Etymology: from old French 'perillous' and Latin 'periculosus' meaning danger. 

Synonyms: dangerous, hazardous, risky. 

Word of the week:



Meaning: symbol used to

represent a number.



9th January

Word of the week: DELEGATE

Definition: to assign or entrust to another 

Context: he decided to delegate the task of picking up the shopping to his assistant. 

Etymology: from Latin 'delegatus' meaning sent on a commission. 

Synonyms: assign, entrust, pass on. 

Word of the week:


Meaning: concrete,

pictorial, and symbolic

models used to represent mathematical ideas.



3rd January

Word of the week: RESOLUTION

Definition: a firm decision to do something. 

Context: She made a new year's resolution to spend more time reading. 

Etymology: from latin "resolvere" meaning to loosen or release. 

Synonyms: commitment, plan, promise 

 No word this week

12th December

Word of the week: ILLUMINATE
Definition: make something bright or visible by shining light on it 

Context: they used the candles to illuminate the church.

Etymology: from Latin 'in-lumen' meaning upon light. 

Word of the week: 

Meaning: a number which can be represented in the shape of a square. A number that results from multiplying an integer by itself.


5th December 

Word of the week: FESTIVE
Definition: something that is cheerful and jovially celebratory 

Context: we are fast approaching the festive season

Etymology: from Latin Festum meaning to feast. 

Word of the week: INTEGER

Meaning: a number with no fraction or decimals. 

28th November

Word of the week: BONNY

Definition: attractive or beautiful. 

In context: she had a bonny little baby. 

Etymology: from old French'bon' meaning good.

Word of the week:


ANALOGUE: A clock or watch is called "analogue" when it has moving hands and  hours marked from 1 to 12 to show you the time. Some have Roman Numerals (I, II, III, etc) instead, or no numbers at all!​

The hour hand is the shortest, ​

the minute hand is longer, ​

the second hand is the longest. 

DIGITAL: a clock without hands that uses numerals ​

to show the time.​


21st November

Word of the week: TARDIS
Definition: a building or space which is larger inside than it appears to be on the outside. 

Context: The mans house was a like a tardis.

Etymology: 1960s English acronym for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space 

Word of the week: PENNY, POUND

The official currency of the UK. 100 pennies is equal to 1 pound.

Watch out for the changes in British money following the Queens death.




Watch out for the changes in British money following the Queens death.



Word of the week: INTIMIDATE
Definition: frighten or overawe someone in order to get them to do why one wants. 

In context: Castles were built to intimidate invading armies. 

Etymology: from Latin 'intimidat' meaning to make timid. 

Word of the week: CURRENCY

Meaning: Money, such as coins or banknotes, used in a particular country.

7th November

Word of the week: REMEMBRANCE
Definition: the action of remembering something or someone 

In context: On Remembrance Day we remember those that fought for our freedom.
Etymology: from the old French 'remembrer ' meaning to remember. 

Word of the week: SEQUENCE

Meaning: a
 list of numbers or objects in a special order.

Example: 3, 5, 7, 9, ... is a sequence starting at 3 and increasing by 2 each time.


31st October

Word of the week: EXPLODE

Definition: burst or shatter violently as a result of rapid combustion.

Context: The firework was about to explode in the dark night sky. 

Etymology: from Latin 'explaudere' meaning to clap or dispel noise. 

Word of the week: MIDNIGHT

Meaning: the middle of the night. The end of one day and the start of the next.

12 o’clock or 0:00 on a 24 hour clock.

17th October

Word of the week: IGNITE

Definition: to cause something to begin burning 

Context: she used the flame to ignite the candle 

Synonyms: activate, start 

Etymology: from Latin “ignite” meaning to set on fire 

Word of the week: 


Meaning: is a simple pictorial representation of a problem that helps learners see the relationships between numbers. ​

BAR MODEL: A horizontal bar shows the 'whole' amount. Underneath it, an identical bar is divided into pieces to show the 'parts' of the whole.​


10th October

Word of the week: NIFTY 

Definition: attractive, stylish, desirable or cleverly contrived.

Context: I wish I could think of a nifty invention that would make me a lot of money.
Synonyms: clever, handy, modish, smart

Etymology: shortened version of Magnificat from an 18th century poet 

Word of the week: REMAINDER

Meaning: amount left over after dividing a number, for example,
                7 ÷ 2
leaves a remainder of 1


3rd October

Word of the week - ALLITERATION

Definition: the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase or sentence 

In context: silly sausages sizzling in a pan is a phrase containing alliteration 

Etymology : from Latin 'ad' to add and littera meaning letter 


Word of the week: CAPACITY

Meaning: the amount a container or something can hold.



26th September

Word of the week - EXTINCTION

Definition: the process of becoming extinct or no longer existing 

In context: Pandas are facing extinction in the wild. 

Synonyms: dead, disappeared 

Etymology: from Latin exstinguiere meaning to quench 

Word of the week: SORT

Meaning: to arrange or group in a special way (such as by size, type or alphabetically).






Word of the week:  DILIGENCE

Definition: trying hard and steadily to achieve a goal.

Context: The children in Penguins class were working diligently to achieve their goals. 

Synonyms: industrious, persistent

Etymology: from old French 'diligere' meaning to make great delight in. 

 No word this week

12th September

Word of the week: MONARCH
Definition: a ruler, such as a king, queen or emperor.

In context: The country is paying respect to Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch in the United Kingdom. 

Synonyms: sovereign, ruler, king, queen, emperor

Etymology: from Greek 'monarkhes'. 'Monos' - alone and 'arkhein' to rule 

Word of the week: ARITHMETIC


Meaning: the basic calculations we make in everyday life: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


5th September

Word of the week: CLIMATE

Definition: the usual weather conditions in a certain place. 

Used in context - Antarctica has a cold climate. 

Synonyms or similar words - humidity, aridity, temperature. 

Etymology - derives from the Greek word 'klima' which means inclination, slope or latitude. 

 No Word this week

18th July

Word of the week: ILLUSTRATE
Definition: to prove (a book, newspaper etc) with pictures.

Example: The dictionary is illustrated with full colour pictures.

Synonyms: decorate, adorn, embellish 

Etymology: from Latin illustrat meaning 'lit up' 

Word of the week: TURN 

Meaning: to rotate an object around a 
centre point. The angle of rotation is measured in degrees.




11th July

Word of the week: TRANSITION

Meaning: the process or period of changing from area to another. 


When we transition into our new classrooms we will meet our new teachers.


Etymology: from the Latin 'transire' to go across. 

Word of the week: PLACE VALUE

Meaning:  the value of a digit depending on its place in a number.


4th July

Word of the week: TEEM 

To teem with something is to be full of that thing, or to have much of that thing inside.

The students minds were teeming with ideas.

Synonyms : abound

Etymology: Old English tēmantīeman, of Germanic origin; related to team. The original senses included ‘give birth to’, also ‘be or become pregnant’, giving rise to ‘be full of’ in the late 16th century.

Word of the week: TRIANGULAR

Meaning: shaped like a triangle; having three sides and three corners.


27th June

Word of the week: ARENA

An enclosed area used for public entertainment. 

Mr Payne's favourite band were playing at Wembley Arena last week. 


Synonyms : amphitheatre, theatre, hall, auditorium 
Etymology: from Latin 'harena' meaning sand strewn place of combat. 

 Word of the week: LEFT and RIGHT




Word of the week: FESTIVAL

A time of celebration marked by special observances / a periodic celebration with music and events. 

A festival is held in the local park every summer. 

Synonyms : celebration, carnival, fiesta 

Etymology: from Latin 'festivus' meaning festive or 'festa' meaning feast 

Word of the week: PICTOGRAM


Meaning: a graph using pictures to represent quantity.



13th June

Word of the week: TRAIPSE  

To walk or move slowly or reluctantly. 


He began to traipse around the castle that he did not really wish to visit. 


Synonyms : trudge, trek, trail 
Etymology: from the 16th century background not known 

Word of the week: POLYGON


Meaning: May be regular with all sides 

and angles equal, or irregular with 

varying side and angle sizes.



6th June 

Word of the week: SUMPTUOUS 

Used to describe things that are extremely costly, rich, luxurious or magnificent.  


The hotel's most sumptuous suite overlooks the lush gardens. 


Synonyms : lavish, luxurious, deluxe, opulent, magnificent 

Etymology: derives from the Latin "sumptus" meaning expense. 

Word of the week: VALUE


Meaning: The numerical worth or amount.



23rd May

Word of the week: REIGN 

Meaning the amount of time a Royal person spends ruling. 

Queen Elizabeth has reigned for seventy years. 

Synonyms: rule, govern

Etymology: it comes from the Old French Reigne meaning Kingdom. 

Word of the week: TIME 


Meaning: Continuum from past to present to future, the interval between two events or the duration of an event.

It can be measured with clocks and other timing devices. 




16th May

Word of the week: BOG 
Bog is a NOUN 
A bog is an area of land which is very wet and muddy.

Synonyms marsh, swamp ,slough, wetlands, fen, mire, quagmire, morass, marshland
Etymology: it comes from Gaelic bogach swamp, from bog soft

Word of the week: STATISTIC

Meaning: A single number, 
computed from a sample, that 

summarises some 

characteristic of a population.




9th May

Word of the week: LITTERED 
If something is littered with things, it contains many things that are lying around in a disorganised way.
 Books and papers littered the table. 
Synonyms: jumble, mess, disorder, confusion
Etymology: it comes from Anglo-French, ultimately from Latin lectus bed

Word of the week:  ARRAY

Meaning: A set of objects or numbers arranged in order, often in rows and columns.

An array can often make counting and calculating easier.


2nd May

Word of the week: OOZE
Meaning: When a thick or sticky liquid oozes from something or when something oozes it, the liquid flows slowly and in small quantities.
The lava was oozing from the crater. 
Synonyms: seep, well, drop, escape 
Etymology: Old English wos juice

Word of the week: POSITION


Meaning: The comparison of where something is related to another object or its surroundings.


25th April

Word of the week: MALLEABLE 

Meaning: something that can be shaped.

The art clay was malleable. 

Synonyms: soft, workable

Antonyms: hard, unworkable 

Etymology: It comes from the old French, Malleable, meaning to bash with a hammer. 

Word of the week:


A s
tandard metric unit for measuring mass or weight.




4th April 

Word of the week: QUARREL

This means to have an argument with somebody else.

I had a terrible quarrel with my older brothers. 

Synonyms: argue

Antonyms: agree

Etymology: It comes from the old French querele meaning to complain.

Word of the week: 



A point where two or more line segments meet. A corner.


28th March

Word of the week: CRESCENDO

Meaning: a gradual increase in loudness.


There was a crescendo of thudding footsteps that reverberated throughout the cave.


Etymology: Latin meaning to increase.










Word of the week:



When both sides have the same quantity or mass.




Sorry no word this week

Word of the week: 



Adding the same number over and over. A strategy used in multiplication.



14th March

Word of the week: PERCEIVE


To perceive something is to notice something. 

I perceived that my neighbour was waiting in the queue. 


Synonyms: noticed, recognised.


Antonyms: ignore


Etymology: it comes from the Latin  percipere which means to understand. 

 Word of the week: 




7th March

Word of the week: ROBUST

Meaning something strong

The third little pig's house was very robust because it was made out of straw.

Synonyms: strong

Antonyms: weak, feeble, flimsy

Etymology: it comes from the Latin robustus meaning firm

Word of the week: ALGEBRA 


Algebra uses letters (like x or y) or other symbols in place of values, and then plays with them using special rules.


Example: x + 3 = 7

'x' is used in place of a value we don't know yet and is called the 'unknown' or the 'variable'.



In this case the value 'x' can be found by subtracting 3 from both sides of the equal sign like this:


Start with: x + 3 = 7

Subtract 3 from both sides:

x +3 - 3 = 7 - 3

Calculate: x + 0 = 4

Answer: x = 4


14th February 

Word of the week - STEEP

Meaning: rising of falling sharply. 


We had to climb the steep hill.


Anonyms: flat


Synonyms: sheer

Word of the week: EQUIVALENT



Fractions which have the same value, even though they may look different.



Example 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent, because they are both 'half'



7th February

Word of the week - STURDY
Meaning: strongly and solidly built.
The sturdy tree refused to be blown down by the gale.
Synonyms: Strong
Antonyms: Weak
Etymology: It comes from an old fashioned surname 'Sturdi' which meant strong in person.



Word of the Week: SUBITISING


Instantly recognising the number of objects in a small group without having to count them.



Example: when you know there are 5 coins here without counting



31st January

Sorry no word this week.

Word of the Week: DIVISION

To divide or division is sharing or grouping a number into equal parts. 


We use the ÷ symbol to mean divide.


12 ÷ 3 = 4


Sometimes we cannot divide things up exactly ... there may be something left over.


There are 7 bones to share with 2 pups


But 7 cannot be divided exactly into 2 groups, so each pup gets 3 bones, but there will be 1 left over



24th January

Word of the week - CONTEXT

Meaning: (noun) the circumstances around an  event, statement or an idea. Context  adds to a full understanding of  something.

In our guided reading lessons we use vocabulary in the correct context. 

Synonyms: conditions, circumstances

Etymology: It comes from the Latin 'con' meaning together.

Word of the week: 



One of the four basic operations of arithmetic, gives the result of combining groups of equal sizes.





But as well as multiplying by whole numbers, we can also multiply by factions, decimals and more.



5 x 3 1/2 = 5 + 5 + 5 + (half of 5) = 17.5 


17th January

Word of the week - EQUALITY 

When equal opportunities are given to everybody.

Martin Luther King fought for equality for all.

Synonyms: fairness

Antonyms: inequality

Etymology: it comes from the Latin aequus meaning equal.

Word of the week: SUBTRACTION

A way of finding a difference by taking away one number from another to find the quantity left; represented by the symbol -


For example, if we take 2 away from 5 to get 3, we write the subtraction as

5 - 2 = 3


The inverse operation of addition.



You can also say that the difference between 9 and 6 is 3


10th January 

Word of the week - WIELD

Meaning: to hold or use a tool.

The Knight wielded the humongous sword.

Synonyms: Hold, apply

Antonyms: neglect 

Etymology: Comes from the old English 'Weldan' meaning to have power over.




Word of the week:   NUMBER BONDS


A number and the parts that combine to make it.


13th Dec

 Word of the week - BOUGH 


Definition: The main branch of a tree.


"Deck the halls with boughs of holly...fa la la la la, la la la la."



'bough' was once used in Old and Middle English as a word for "shoulder" and "leg". The English language then changed it to the branch of a tree.


Word of the week: PRODUCT 


The result when two numbers are multiplied e.g. 2 x 2 product = 4




6th Dec

Word of the week - AMBITIOUS 

Very much wanting to succeed and do well. 

The young woman's plans for the future were very ambitious. 

Synonyms: determined, eager

Antonyms: unambitious, lazy

Etymology: it comes from 'amb' meaning around and 'ire' meaning to go. 

Word of the week: QUADRILATERAL

- a flat shape with four angles and four sides

- also called a tetragon or quadrangle



29th Nov

Word of the week: IRIDESCENT  


Meaning - Something that is iridescent has many bright colours that seem to keep changing.



I blew iridescent bubbles.


Synonyms: pearly, opalescent, shot


Antonyms: Dull


Etymology: 1784, literally "rainbow-colored," coined from Latin iris "rainbow"


Word of the week: AXIS


Meaning real or imaginary reference line.



22nd Nov 


Meaning to cause strong hatred or dislike.

After he had completed his odious chores, he went out to play.

Synonyms: vile, foul.

Antonyms: delightful, pleasant

Etymology: Odious comes from Latin odiosus; that adjective is from the word for "hatred," odium




 Word of the week - CARROLL DIAGRAM

A Carroll diagram is a way of organising information and grouping according to what criteria it fits into. 

 A sorting diagram named after Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson), mathematician and author of "Alice in Wonderland".


15th Nov



Meaning: extremely happy and excited, often because something has happened or been achieved.
Mr Payne felt elated when the children tried their best.
Synonyms: thrilled, happy
Antonyms: miserable 
Etymology: It comes from the Latin 'elatus' meaning to be uplifted.

Word of the week - PERIMETER

The perimeter is the distance around a 2D shape and is often taught 
using the example of fences around a field or garden.



8th Nov


Meaning: to spend the winter sleeping

Alan the tortoise began to hibernate.

Antonyms: wake

Synonyms: sleep, hide, dormant

Etymology: it comes from the Latin 'hibernus' meaning winter.

Word of the week - RIGHT ANGLE

An angle of 90°, as in a corner of a square.

1st Nov



This means: When a person or a vehicle halts or when something halts them, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still.


They halted at a short distance from the house. 


Synonyms: stop, draw up, pull up

Antonyms: Get you children to find antonyms this week 


ETYMOLOGY:  from the phrase to make halt, translation of German halt machen, from halte

Word of the week - ESTIMATE


To estimate is to make a clever guess to the answer of a question, by roughly calculating the value?



 18th  October



MEANING: fragment of   something is a small piece or part of it.          


Fragments of glass fell on the floor. 


SYNONYMS: piece, part, bit, scrap  


ETYMOLOGY: it comes from the Latin fragmentum, from frangere to break 


Word of the week - TEMPERATURE


How hot or cold something is.


11th October


Meaning foolish and a little crazy 

The whole idea is absolutely ludicrous. 

Synonyms: foolish, crazy 

Antonyms: sensible 

Etymology: an old Latin word meaning ridiculous. 


Word of the week - PLACE VALUE




4th October


Meaning full of energy and difficult to control. 

The car journey was not enjoyable with the rambunctious puppy.

Synonyms: boisterous

Antonyms: quiet, restrained

Etymology: it comes from the old English rambunctious meaning naughty. 

Words of the week - ROW AND COLUMN 







Meaning: very bright in colour.

Barney, who was a flamboyant man, wore a vivid purple waistcoat and red bow tie. 

Synonyms: bright

Antonyms: Dull

Etymology: it comes from the Latin, vividus, meaning full of life. 

Word of the week - INEQUALITY




20th Sep 


Meaning - untrustworthy/ dishonest in a clever way.

When Dana gave me a devious grin, I knew she was going to do something I did not like.
Antonyms: honest, fair
Synonyms: sneaky, sly
Etymology: from Latin devius "out of the way

 Words of the week - GREATER THAN / LESS THAN


13th Sep


This means: to be very noticeable and attract a lot of attention.

The peacock had flamboyant, green and blue feathers. 

Synonyms: confident, exuberant, vibrant

Antonyms: simple

Etymology: it comes from the Old French flamboyer meaning curved flame. 

Word of the week - TALLY


6th Sep


Meaning: to give a place of safety or shelter, or a place of safety. 


The woman gave refuge to the terrified family who were fleeing. 


Synonyms: asylum, haven


Antonyms: expose 


Etymology: it comes from the Latin ‘re’ meaning back. And fugere meaning flee.

 Word of the week - PATTERN


12th July

 No word of the week this week

 Word of the week - CENTRE



5th July

 No word of the week this week

Words of the week - HEAVY & LIGHT





 28th June

Word of the week - EERIE  



If you describe something as eerie, you mean that it seems strange and frightening and it makes you feel nervous. 



The streets were eerie as the nights became darker. 



Synonyms: ghostly, sinister 

Antonyms: normal, reassuring 



Etymology: it comes from the old English Earg meaning cowardly. 

Word of the week - FRACTION



21st June

Word of the week - SEGMENT



Meaning a part of something. 



"I would like you to count how many segments are in the orange," the teacher said to the class. 



Synonyms: piece, part, section



Antonyms: whole



Etymology: It comes from the Latin Segmentum meaning to cut. 

Word of the week - CUBE 


A cube is a three-dimensional solid that has
six congruent square faces. 

(Same size and shape) 


14th June

Word of the week - FOND


This means when you like somebody or something. 


Harrold, who was a rather small rabbit, was fond of giant, orange carrots.


Synonyms: Like, love, like a lot

Antonyms: dislike, hate


Etymology: it comes from the middle English 'Fonned' meaning having a liking of something.


Word of the week - SYMMETRICAL 


An object is symmetrical when one half
is a mirror image of the other half.

It may be divided by one or more lines of symmetry. 


7th June

Word of the week - TWILIGHT


Meaning: the time of day just before it gets completely dark.


I could make out a dark figure in the twilight. 


Synonyms: gloom

Antonyms: dawn


It used to be known as half light and changed over time. 


Word of the week - CLOCKWISE

The same direction as the way hands
on the clock go. 

EXAMPLE: Clockwise aerial acrobatics


24th May

Word of the week - IDIOSYNCRATIC


Meaning: to have strange and unusual habits. 

We all have our own idiosyncratic ways. 


Synonyms: eccentric

Antonyms: Normal


Etymology:  idios = one's own

synkrasis = the way you do things. 

 Days of the week



17th May 

Word of the week - FRAGRANT 


This means a pleasant sweet smell. 


The blossom on the tall tree made the road fragrant. 


Synonym: sweet scented, perfumed

Antonyms: smelly, pungent 


Etymology: from Latin fragrantem meaning sweet smelling. 

Word of the week - METRE


A unit of length






10th May

Word of the week -ABUNDANCE 


Meaning there is more than enough of something.


The area has an abundance of wildlife.

Synonyms : many, myriad 
Antonyms: few 

Etymology: it comes from the old french Abondance meaning fullness

Doubling and near doubles 

Multiplied by 2, twice as much



3rd May

Word of the week - EMBRACE 


Meaning to hold somebody close or to accept something enthusiastically.


I cannot wait to embrace my Nan when lockdown is lifted. 


Synonyms: hug, accept, hold, clutch


Antonyms: reject


Etymology: It comes from the old French embracier meaning to clutch in your hands.

 Word of the week  - DIGIT





Word of the week - EXTEND 


This means to add something in order to make it bigger or longer. 


I would like to extend the fence by 10 metres. 


Synonyms: increase, enlarge 

Antonyms: reduce, shrink, narrow


Etymology: it comes from the Latin ‘ex’ meaning out. And then ‘tendere’ meaning stretch. Giving you extend. 


 Word of the week - PAIR


Pair - two of something like a pair of gloves



19th April
Word of the week - FLORA 


Meaning the plants of a particular region.


We went to the beach to find the different flora in the area. 


Synonyms - plants, flowers



Etymology - it comes from the Roman goddess of flowers and Flos meaning flowers. 



Word of the week - Odd and Even  


An even number is a number that can be divided into two equal groups.


An odd number is :

A number that cannot be divided into two equal groups 



12th April 
Word of the week - NIMBLE 


Nimble means quick and light in movement or action. 


The nimble hamster enjoyed running on his wheel.


Synonyms: agile, light footed. 

Antonyms: stiff, clumsy, lumbering. 


It comes from the old English (1300) nemel, meaning quick at taking. 



22nd March
Word of the week - DISGRUNTLED


Meaning to be angry or dissatisfied


He turned and climbed back down the stairs, obviously disgruntled , but not arguing further.
Synonyms : angry, grumpy
Antonyms: happy, cheery 
Etymology: it comes from the Old English grunt, meaning to grumble and moan about something. 


15th March

Word of the week - BLOOMED

Bloom means the process of becoming a flower or to grow well.

The beautiful blossom trees bloomed overnight.

After a week in the classroom the children bloomed.

Synonyms: flower, open, grow.

Antonyms: wither, fade


Etymology: it comes from the old Norse ‘blomi’ meaning to grow.


8th March

Word of the week - AMBITIOUS


Meaning to have the determination to succeed.


The two ambitious children never stopped following their dreams. 


Synonym – determined, forceful

Antonym – Unambitious, lazy


It comes from the old French, meaning to want to be honoured. 


22nd February

Word of the week - LOCATE


Meaning to find


'Please locate your pencil case and paper, we can then begin,' said the teacher in the Teams meeting.


Synonym: find, discover, detect.

Antonym: lose, displace


Etymology: It comes from the Latin locates, meaning to put something somewhere.


8th February 
Word of the week - GABBLE


This means to talk rapidly and unintelligibly.
'He gabbled his way through the meeting.'


Synonyms: Babble, blabber, jabber

Anonyms: articulate


It comes from the 1570'd word 'Gab', this meant to talk noisily. 


1st February
Word of the week - IRKSOME 


It means annoying or irritating


If the dog becomes irksome, please do bring him home. 


Anonyms: pleasant

Synonyms: irritating, annoying


It comes from the middle English and old Norse 'irk' meaning annoying. 


14th December 

English word of the week - VISCOUS 

It means a liquid which is thick and sticky 


The honey was viscous. 


Etymology: late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French viscous, from Latin viscum  -birdlime made from mistletoe berries.  


Synonyms: thickstickygooey 

Antonyms: watery, fluid 

7th December 

English word of the week - RANCID 


It means having an unpleasant stale taste or smell as the result of decomposition.


Yuck! This butter is rancid! 


Etymology: C17: from Latin rancidus rank, from rancÄ“re to stink 


Synoyms: moldy, putrid, sour 

Antonyms : pure, sweet, fresh



Math word of the week - DECREASE


This means to get smaller


30th November
English word of the week - PLETHORA 


Meaning a large amount of something. 


The library had a plethora of books. 


Synonyms: many, myriad

Antonyms: few 


Etymology: it comes from the Greek plethian meaning full. 



Math word of the week - INCREASE 


meaning when an amount gets larger


Synonyms: bigger

Antonyms: decrease, fewer


23rd November
English word of the week - CANTANKEROUS 


Meaning bad tempered, moody and difficult to deal with.


The dog became very cantankerous when it didn't get its favourite meal.


Synonyms : bad tempered, grumpy

Antonyms : happy, chilled 


Etymology: Experts are still not sure where this word came from!



Math word of the week - INTEGER 


meaning a whole number - it does not have a fractional part. 


Please find the integer between 5 and 7. 


It comes from the Latin word Integer meaning whole. 

16th November
English word of the week - UNIQUE


It means, to be one of a kind.

We are all unique in our own way. 

Synonyms : individual, special.

Antonyms: same.


Etymology: it comes from the Latin 'unus' meaning one.


Math word of the week - COMMON


It means to be shared or done often. Belonging to two or more quantities. 

Find the common factors of 20 and 45. 

Synonyms: regular, frequent.

Antonyms: rare, unusual.


9th November 
English word of the week - PLEAD 



Meaning to beg in an emotional way.


On bended knees the Knight pleaded for forgiveness. 


Synonyms - beg, implore, beseech


Antonyms - refuse


Etymology - it comes from the Old French word 'plaid' meaning to discuss. 



Math Word of the week - CENTI 


Word beginning with centi have something to do with 100. 


There are 100 centimetres in 1 metre. 


It comes from the Latin 'Centum' meaning 100. 



2nd November
English word of the week - ACCEPTANCE


Meaning: the acceptance of somebody into a group means to think of them as part of the group and to act in a friendly way. 


To be able to tolerate people or situations. 


Synonyms: tolerate


Antonyms: rejection 


We show acceptance of everybody in our community. 



Math word of the week - CALCULATE



Meaning: to find an amount or number using maths. 


Please calculate the answers. 


Synonyms: work out 


Etymology: it comes from the Latin word calculus meaning to work out using numbers. 


19th October
English word of the week - GLIMPSE 



Meaning to look quickly at something.


I took a glimpse of the blurb- it looks great!


Synonyms - glance, peek


Antonyms - Stare, gaze


It comes from the 1500 word glimpse - meaning to glace with your eyes.



Math word of the week - ASCEND 



Meaning to go from smallest to largest.


I would like you to put the numbers in ascending order.


Antonyms - descend


It comes from the Latin word ascendere meaning to move upwards. 


12th October
English word of the week - MULTIRACIAL 



Meaning people of different races.



England is a multiracial country.



It comes from 

Multi meaning many

racial meaning one of the major groups which human beings can be divided into according to their physical features, such as the colour of their skin.
Math word of the week - PRODUCT 
The answer when two values are multiplied together. 
Please find the product of the values.
5th October 
English word of the week - CLAMBER
Meaning to climb using both feet and hands with difficulty.  

With difficultly, I had to clamber over the mountainous pile of clothes.  


Synonyms: scramble, climb 

Antonyms: Fall, get down, descend 



Math word of the week - DIGIT
A digit is a written symbol for any of the ten numbers from 0 to 9.
In maths, we must put one digit in each box.
28th September
English word of the week - COMPASSION 



Meaning a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune 


I felt such compassion towards the caged monkey.  


Synonyms: Empathy, grace 

Antonyms: harsh, cruel 


It comes from

the old French, compassion, meaning pity and sympathy.  



Math word of the week - INTEGER

meaning a whole number



The children named each integer up to 100.



Synonyms - numbers, digits.


21st September
English word of the week - WITHERED
Meaning shrivelled up and drooping 


A single tear slid down the girl's face as she looked at the withered tree.


Synonyms - wilted, drooping, faded.

Antonyms - Thriving, flourishing.


It comes from the middle English word 'wydderen' meaning to dry up.




Math word of the week - SUM 

Meaning when you need to add two or more numbers together


Find the sum of 34 and 56.


Synonyms : add, plus

Antonyms : subtract, take away


14th September
English word of the week - DEVOURED


Meaning to eat with speed


I devoured the chocolate cake. 

Synonyms: chomped, gobbled

Antonyms: nibble 


It comes from the Latin, de meaning down and vorare meaning to swallow. 




Math word of the week - INFINITE


Meaning to be continued indefinitely 

The number sequence was infinite 


It comes from the Latin; in meaning not and fintus meaning finished 


7th September 
English word of the week - RETURN 


Meaning:  to come back


The children were all due to come back to school. 

Synonyms: come back

Antonyms: leave, exit 


It comes from the Latin re meaning back. 



Math word of the week - ANGLE


Meaning a space between two intersecting points. 

The angle measured 90 degrees. 


It comes from the Latin angulus meaning corner


16th March
Word of the week - VERTICAL


Meaning: straight up and down 


It comes from Latin verticalis meaning "overhead"
Antonyms: horizontal 
9th March
Word of the week - HORIZONTAL


Meaning: parallel to the horizon.


It comes from the Latin ‘horizontalis’ meaning the horizon.


The boy laid horizontal on the floor. 


Antonyms: vertical

Synonyms: level, even


2nd March
Word of the week - PARALLEL 


Meaning: When the sides or lines are side by side, the distance between them remains the same, they will never meet. 


It comes from Greek parallÄ“los meaning besides one another. 
The tracks lay parallel, never meeting.
The teacher asked me to draw a pair of parallel lines. 
Synonyms : aligned, side by side
Antonyms: divergent
24th February Word of the week - QUADRILATERAL

Meaning:  A shape with 4 sides.

Quad comes from the Latin of 4.
Lateral comes from the Latin side.

10th February
Word of the week - GRAND 


Meaning: Magnificent, important or large. 

It comes from the old french ‘me grand’ meaning of the highest importance. 

Synonyms: marvellous, noble, stately

Antonyms: bad, common, small

3rd February
Word of the week - NOON


Meaning : Midday 


At noon we have our lunch. 


Etymology: comes from the Latin, nona hora which means the ninth hour after sunrise. Therefore, originally noon was around 3pm. 


Synonyms: midday 

Antonyms: midnight


27th January
Word of the week - COURTEOUS


Meaning: polite and respectful.


Pakefield primary students are always courteous at our school.


Etymology: comes from the Old French 'curteis' meaning elegant manners. 


Synonyms: well mannered; respectful; polite

Antonyms: rude


20th January
Word of the week - CHRONOLOGICAL


Meaning: following an order of time, or from when events happened.


'Please give me the dates in chronological order'.



It comes from the Greek 'chronos' meaning time.


Synonyms: sequenced, in order.

Antonyms: Muddled.


13th January
Word of the week - VAST


Meaning immense, being of great size. 


She had a vast amount of knowledge.


It comes from the Latin 'vastus' meaning huge. 


Synonyms: Huge, extensive, wide.

Antonyms: tiny, small amount.


7th January
Word of the week - MONOTONOUS


Meaning: dull, tedious, lacking in variety, the same.


The wasteland's scenery was monotonous; mile after mile of red dusk littered the landscape.


It comes from the root 'Mono' in Greek. It means one, alone, the same.


Some examples of this:

Monarch, monocle, monopoly, monorail, monotone, monologue.


Synonyms : Dull, tedious

Antonyms: Varied, interesting, exciting.


16th December

Word of the week - EXOTIC

Meaning: unusual and exciting because of coming (or seeming to come) from far away, especially a tropical country.

The exotic foods were delicious.

It comes from the Greek root word exo- meaning outside.
Please discuss the root word exo and words with this prefix - exoskeleton, exothermic etc.

Synonyms : unique, unusual
Antonyms: familiar


9th December

Word of the week - INQUISITIVE  


Meaning: having or showing an interest in learning things; curious.



from Late Latin inquisitivus "making inquiry, or to seek information'.

Quis means to seek in Latin. This can be found in:

acquisition, exquisite, inquisition.




inquisitively, adverb

inquisitiveness, noun

2nd December 

Word of the week - SERENDIPITY 

Meaning a happy accident. Or when you find something valuable by chance.

Nature has created wonderful serendipity.

It comes from:

The old English tale in 1754: coined by Horace Walpole, suggested by The Three Princes of Serendip, the title of a fairy tale in which the heroes ‘were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of’.

Synonym- happy accident


Serendipitous - a serendipitous event


25th November

Words of the week - DUSK and DAWN.

When it starts to get dark.

It comes from the old English ‘dosc’ which means to obscure.

Synonyms- sundown, sunset, twilight.

The first appearance of light.

It comes from the old English dauen which means to become day.

Synonyms: daybreak


18th November 

Word of the week - OMINOUS

Meaning: suggesting something unpleasant/ threatening or evil is going to happen.

The clouds looks ominous as they rolled over the  stormy sea.

Etymology- it comes from the Latin omen.

Synonym - menacing, threatening.

Suffix- ly


11th November

As it is anti bullying week, we thought this word would work well:

Word of the week - CONSIDERATE

Meaning to show careful thought or to take care not to harm others.

It comes from:
The Latin, consideratus - to look closely.

Suffix - ly
Prefix- in

Synonym - thoughtful, mindful
Antonym - inconsiderate


4th November 

Word of the week - MYRIAD

Meaning many things

It comes from the Greek murioi, meaning 10,000 or countless

Countless, boundless, infinite


28th October 

Word of the week - ASTRONOMICALLY


Meaning - very large / immense. 


Its root word is astronomy.

Suffix - ical.


It comes from the old Greek astronomos. 

Astro = star 

Nomos = arranging


14th October
Word of the week - INTRIGUE


Meaning: If something, especially something strange, intrigues you, it interests you and you want to know more. 


It comes from:

 The Old french intriguer  - to trick
The Latin intrigare - to muddle


Suffixes - ed and ing


Synonyms - engross, captivate

Antonyms - bore


7th October 
Word of the week - PERPLEXED


Meaning to be completely baffled and confused. 


It comes from the Latin - perplexus. 


Per - meaning through

Plexus - meaning entangled 


So put them together you have to work 'through' 'entangled' thoughts when you are perplexed


30th September
Word of the week - AMBLE


Meaning to walk at a slow and relaxed pace.


Amble comes from:

Old French ambler meaning : go steady


Latin ambulare meaning : to take a walk


23rd September

Word of the week - PERSEVERANCE


When you keep on trying even though you may be finding it tricky.


Perseverance comes from the Latin persevereus.


‘Per’ meaning very

‘Severeus’ meaning strict.


Therefore you must be very strict with yourself to never give up






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